The Longley Trust is a small grant giving trust supporting organisations helping people in Crawley
Who can apply for a grant?
The Longley Trust has limited resources so the Trustees have decided to concentrate on funding organisations operating to benefit the people of Crawley.
Grants are given to organisations not individuals.
Grants are given to charities but also to non-charitable community groups where activities further the charitable purpose of the trust (e.g education, health, crime reduction, social cohesion, regeneration etc).
We do not fund:
(a) Religious organisations to promote their religion, although we may fund community outreach work;
(b) Residents associations; and
(c) National charities which cannot demonstrate that the grant given will be used to benefit Crawley residents.
We need to be satisfied the organisation exists and will use the funds for the purposes requested.
We also take safeguarding seriously and expect all grant recipients to have and follow appropriate policies if they work with children or vulnerable adults.
We may also ask for a copy of the organisation’s constitution and accounts if it is not a charity.
We have limited resources so cannot promise to fund all applicants.
We meet quarterly in March, June, September and December, so there may be a delay between submitting your grant application and hearing if you have been awarded a grant.
The deadline for considering applications at each meeting is receipt by the end of the previous month.